Profile on Knowledge Management and Access to Health Information in the Americas

Country/Territory Profiles on Knowledge Management and Information Access will be updated biannually
Last update: February 2022
Regional and Global - Mandates and Documents references
Strategic Plan of the Pan American Health Organization 2020-2025: OCM 21 - Data, information, knowledge, and evidence.
National Strategies, Policies, National Programs and Other Normative Documents
Scientific Production
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
MedCarib Database
Country/Territory contributes to this sub regional database
LILACS Database
Journals indexed: N/A
In perspective: LILACS Metrics
Contributions to LILACS (2021)
Contributions to LILACS (1985-2021)
Access to Scientific Literature in Health
Research4Life – Hinari Program
Not eligible
Cochrane Library
National Platform(s) / Consortium(s)
Information and Knowledge Networks
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centers: N/A
Collaborating Centers of PAHO/WHO in Knowledge Management: N/A
Health Library Networks
Communities of Practices (CoPs) on:
Preservation data & Institutional Memory during/after a natural disaster
Information System for Health (IS4H)
HIFA (Healthcare Information for All Forum)
HIFA-English – 11,644 members representing 183 countries and territories
HIFA-Español – 538 members representing 33 countries and territories
HIFA-Português – 2,207 members representing 35 countries and territories
HIFA-Français – 450 members representing 33 countries and territories
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Development Index (IDI)
Based on the International Telecommunication Unit (ITU) 2017 Report

Global Rank 2017
Not data available for this country/territory.

Americas Rank 2017
Not data available for this country/territory.
PAHO/WHO Social Media
Health Authority in the Country
Ministry of Health and Social Development, Government of the Virgin Islands
PAHO/WHO located in the country
PAHO/WHO Official Website for British Virgin Islands
PAHO/WHO Representation in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries
Relevant Country Profiles
Windows of Knowledge SHAA2030
Monitoring of scientific and technical production related to the Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2030 (SHAA2030)
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública / Pan American Journal of Public Health (RPSP/PAJPH)
Manuscritos publicados en el 2020 por idioma y también por afiliación de autor (no incluyendo eventuales traducciones a un según idioma).
Papers published in 2020 per language and per author’s affiliation (not including eventual translations into a second language).
- English 46.6%
- Español 36.80%
- Português 16.5%
IFLA - Library Map of the World /Mapa Mundial de Bibliotecas
Global data / Dados globales
Worldwide totals: 2.6M
North America: 129,129
Latin America & Caribbean: 146,212
Country Metrics - Métricas País
Libraries: N/A
National Library: N/A
Libraries with access to Internet: N/A